The Staff Selection Commission through SSC CHSL exam allows 12th pass candidates to face the intense competition of SSC CHSL exam and build their career. SSC CHSL is one of the most popular exams in India to get a government job. However, the vacancies in the CHSL exam are limited. Candidates who grab the opportunity and make it to the final CHSL Result get a secured career in the government sector.
The SSC CHSL exam has been conducted successfully in October and candidates who appeared for the exam are awaiting the result. Keep track of SSC CHSL Result on the linked page.
As the competition for SSC CHSL exam is getting tougher every year, we have collated 6 absolute tips that will help candidates to prepare dedicatedly and make it to the final SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level result in the upcoming exam.
Tips to score more in the final SSC CHSL Result
- Knowing the syllabus and exam pattern well is the work half done. It helps in strategizing the preparation plan. SSC CHSL exam is an online examination of 60 minutes consisting of four sections. Each section has 25 questions of 50 marks. Subjects covered in the fours sections are quantitative aptitude, English, general awareness and general intelligence.
- Speed and accuracy are all that a candidate needs to crack the SSC CHSL exam. Remember that there are 100 MCQs to be solved in only 60 minutes in the SSC CHSL exam. So, the average time a candidate has to solve one question is near 36 seconds and on top of it, there is a negative marking of 0.5 marks. Hence, to attain that level of speed and accuracy it is important that candidates solve free online mock tests and previous year question papers regularly.
- Theoretical Studies should be on tips. This is mostly what is expected out of candidates who have just passed class 12th. Candidates should try to complete and revise all theoretical subjects of CHSL Syllabus and learn shortcut tricks to solve tricky questions.
- Preparation strategy for SSC CHSL exam should be well placed. Candidates must be well aware of previous year cut off so that they can plan well for their preparation. For example, If the CHSL Cut Off marks for the previous year is 143.5 marks for the general category, then the candidate should target for 160 marks in Tier I exam of CHSL. Therefore, candidates should try to attempt either 80 plus questions with 100 % accuracy or more than 106 questions with 80% accuracy.
- Candidates are advised not to go for a hit and try the method in the examination. Avoiding wild guesses to mark answers will be good because for each wrong answer they will lose 0.50 marks. To evaluate the impact of negative marking on total score candidates should check the answer key for SSC CHSL examinations.
- The more you read, the more you know. Daily reading of newspapers, relevant magazines and going through the important news channels will help candidates in the general awareness section as well as the English section. Use the Internet to collate important information related to happenings around the world.
- Question papers analysis will help candidates understand which topics are more important with respect to the examination. Solving question papers of previous years and taking up mock tests rigorously help aspirants improve on every aspect related to the exam thereby improving chances of success in the first attempt.
Lastly, do not stress, as it reduces grasping power and affects performance during examination. Relax your mind and follow the tips given for preparation to grab good results in the final result. Know more on SSC CHSL exam on the given link.